White Privaledge (Privilege)
I think I was in my mid twenty’s when I first understood the privilege and standing my gender and skin color afforded me. It was for many reasons that I was unaware of these privileges, primarily that I grew up in a largely homogenous town where being those things didn’t really get you anything someone…
Read MoreBeing vs Doing, vs Doing vs Feeling, vs Doing vs Doing
Who are you? No, not what do you do, but who are you? Now, could you be this person without doing what you do? How does this make you feel? We spend a lot of time thinking about who we are. Have you ever noticed that sometime during their early twenty’s most people will struggle…
Read MoreThankfulness
While I spend a lot of my time on here pontificating and waxing (un)poetically about the nature of life, the difference between faith and belief, truth and lies, love and hate, etc, today I am convicted to write about thankfulness. I have much to be thankful for, and even though I don’t always feel like…
Read More“God Knows My Heart” and other things we need to stop saying…
Have you ever heard someone say something to the effect of “God knows my heart” when an interaction has gone sour? Have you perhaps ever said that? I have, on both counts. But it’s also a saying that has never really sat well with me-even when I’ve said it! Here’s why.When we say something like…
Read MoreLoving Driscoll, Coulter, Jakes and Osteen.
There are so many people who claim to speak for “Christianity” that I wish to have nothing to do with. I wish they would go away or that someone with authority would tell them that they are not Christians and that they do not speak for Jesus. But that’s not going to happen. And so…
Read MoreThe Truth is Human, too
One of the most compelling, ironic, and terrifying passages in the bible for me is John 18. It may sound weird, but I think verse 38 should be seen as one of the most serious warnings for us who study such things. John 18 finds Jesus before Pilate. After a series of questions, Pilate utters…
Read MoreFaith pt III: The Aspect of Trust.
This is going to be a short post. I have a sick baby and my brain is more engaged with that than the work of thinking.While listening to the sermon at church today, I got to thinking about how trust is a crucial aspect of faith that has nothing to do with belief. Trust does…
Read MoreThe Objective Fallacy, or, Taking Back the Bible
The fallacy of thinking that we can read anything without doing the work of interpretation has reached critical mass. I find this fallacy most often attached to the bible. Too often I hear Christian leaders claim for their interpretation of the bible absolute authority. It sounds like this (tell me if it rings any bells):…
Read MoreThe Cynical Confession of Cynicism
It is, at times, easy to hide my cynicism from myself. I seem to have mastered the art of concealing my attitudes and feelings about certain things in life from myself and thereby from my conscious stream of communication. Yet sometimes my cynicism makes of itself an obvious presence. Sometimes, given the right circumstances, my…
Read MoreOn the Wrong Side of History
Have you ever wondered what history will make of the things you are concerned with? This is of course, not to trivialize the things that are real issues (such as earning enough money to buy food, getting enough sleep, etc) that no one in history will ever know about. What I mean are the large…
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