The Saturday Evening Post About Beer: “Bootlegger’s Rustic Rye IPA”

Rye IPA’s are something of an enigma to me, I’ve never been able to put my finger on how I feel about it. On the one hand, there’s a great complexity to them, on the other hand, they ride a little dry for my liking. Bootlegger’s take on the genre is consistent to it’s claim.…

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On Learning and the Quest for Questions

I’m gonna start this out ambitiously: The biggest problem that we face as academics and people trying to live responsibly is that we ask the wrong questions. What is more, we answer the wrong questions, and exert considerable energy doing so. How we define “learning” factors into this equation considerably. We define “learning” as the collection…

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Saturday Evening Post About Beer “Avery Karma”

This Belgian Pale Ale, despite having a relatively low alcohol content for a Belgian (5.2%), has a wonderful front end sweetness. This is followed by a somewhat floral/citrus middle and the characteristic hoppy aftertaste, which lingers for just long enough. The traditional red-ish caramel color conceals what is a surprisingly bright and lively ale, perfect for a…

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Saturday Evening Post About Beer

Sorry for the delay on this one: I’ve been sick… Enough with apologies, here’s the belated Saturday Evening Post! :Young’s Double Chocolate Stout: The first thing that stuck out about this beer was the Chocolate. If you were to drink cold Hot Chocolate and a Guinness at the same time, you’d be getting close to…

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On the “How” Vs. the “What”

In theology, and in all of church practice, there is a continual and universal nemesis to the work of good in the world: Sin. If we were to draw a narrative structure onto our system of dogma and doctrine, Sin would be the bad guy, the sinister villain who is constantly engaged in disrupting the…

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The Meaning of Words

Words. Such a complex juxtaposition of positive and negative qualities. I often like to think that the words I choose are arbitrary, holding no inherent meaning but that which I apply to them by the context of my creation. In this, I hold to a form of modified Nominalism. I give meaning to the words…

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The Saturday Evening Post About Beer: “Summerfest”

Whether we like it or not, we are all driven by the need to be meaningful. We want our lives to mean something, and we are willing to look almost anywhere for that meaning. Some of us find our meaning in creating something beautiful, others find it in popularity. Or, more commonly, we find it…

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